Re: 弾幕風バグ・要望スレ (ph)4スレ目 ( No.88 )
日時: 2013/09/15 01:43
名前: mkm

>>84>>87 ごれ氏




>>85 Helepolis氏
>It seems to be occurring when using SetCameraPerspectiveClip(); code. When this function is used, the strange zbuffering bug will occur.
>Commenting out won't work unless ph3 is restarted.
Thank you for the helpful information.
It is a bug.

1) DirectX does not allow the near plane to be set to zero.
If the value of the near plane is zero,
the renderer fail to the z-buffer operation correctly.

Thus, if "SetCameraPerspectiveClip" first argument(near clip) is zero,
the z-buffer is not worked.
(e.g.: SetCameraPerspectiveClip(0,1024); )

2) When a script is finished, the perspective clip is not cleared.

This bug will be fixed in the next version.